Saturday, August 25, 2012

The End.

I have hit total burnout folks.  The end of the race where your legs are killing you, your lungs are done, you are just plain exhausted.  But still you look at the finish line, and the closer you seem to be moving to it, the farther away it moves into the distance.

This season has been freaking difficult.  Bad news.  Its not over.  And the even worse news.  I have to do it again.

I am sick and tired of having a season of life every year where everything great about life turns into utter hell for months upon end.

Am I crazy.  Why do I keep doing this?  Why every year does the excuse 'its just for a season' seem to plaster things over.  This is not healthy.  And its not just me.  There are lots of others just like me.

I am tired.  Life is a wreck.  Every relationship I have is disconnected.

I am SO over this.  SO completely over this.

Lord you have to do something.  This is not ok, not at all.

I have to be able to accumulate rest.  I have to be able to be healthy.  This is being stretched WAY past the breaking point.

I.  Am.  Done.

Lord, please provide.  I can't do this anymore.



    "One of the most important assets in an effective ministry is a healthy and strong marriage. Many people in ministry are failing God because of problems in their homes that have been generated by their neglect."

  2. "How we must grieve God when we neglect the very relationship that is to illustrate Christ’s relationship to his bride. What a greater affront is that we do it “in his name.”
