Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Naming the Rocker Within.

Picking a name: for some reason this has always been easy for us, when we are choosing a girls name that is.  The week Kadence was born, we had already named out 'third daughter', who of course now we know doesn't exist.  So when we learned we had to think of a boy name, for real, it was a little more challenging.  Honestly, I had a name stuck in my heart even before the ultrasound, but its taken that man of mine a little more time to jump on board.  Usually I am alot more 'submissive' in what we name our children, but this time, I was pretty set.  Auryn was named after an island in Europe my man visited and loved.  Kadence was named after a musical term, cause the hubby's our music man, so I thought it was only fair that I get some pretty prominent say in this one.

The first name I loved for a boy was Lennox, but the man wasn't having that one at all.  I wanted to name him that because its pretty sweet, and original, and because it provides a few sweet nicknames: 'X' and 'X-man'.  But, I could see that was going to be an impossible sell, so I moved on.

We have these friends, who have 5 sons, all with incredibly rad names: Xavier, Emmit, Mavrick, Linus, and Ford.  So of course, we contacted them for help.  At the time they were trying to think of their own name for their fifth son, so couldn't be of much help.  Finally, it dawned on me: if we LOVED their names so much, why not use some form of one of them, or just steal one all together.  Try as we may to be original, I had a name stuck in my heart already.


I loved the name, but even more I loved the meaning behind it: 'New House'
(or sometimes 'owner of a new house', either way it works great for us)

This is SO fitting to our family if you know anything of our story the last 7 years.  Our first 5 years were pretty difficult due to some not great choices being made, but 2 years ago that man of mine made the most important decision of our lives: he turned his heart to God in EVERYTHING, and decided to live totally vulnerable before Him, me, and others.  Still to this day, I don't think anything could make me more proud of him.  It honestly changed the trajectory of our entire family, from death, to LIFE.  As God promises, he makes everything knew, and he truly has made this family brand new:  HE has given us a NEW HOUSE!!!!!

So we hope your honored, instead of insulted, that we stole your freaking sweet name anonymous family.  This name is just so meaningful to us and the journey the Lord has had us on, we just couldn't not use it.

The middle name, FREAKING RAD if you ask me.


This is our made up version of the name Osmond, which means: 'Divine Protector', which to us means 'God's Protection'.

If you know anything about our more recent story, in November of last year we lost a son to miscarriage.  His name is Noah.  A few months later we were blessed again to find out we were pregnant with another precious bundle.  A week after getting the positive pregnancy test, I started bleeding, yet again.  We were DEVASTATED!!!!!  I could not seriously believe that I was having another miscarriage.  A few days after the bleeding started, when I thought the miscarriage was over, I went to the doctor to get my blood HCG levels tested to make sure the entire pregnancy had passed.  We were shocked to find out a few days later that the levels had gone up.  I had an ultrasound done on the same day though that showed an empty uterus, no baby.  So so sad.  But since my levels were still up, the had me come in once a week to see if the HCG was going up or down.  It took a month of weekly tests, and finally concluded with another ultrasound, but there was no getting around it this time:  there was a LIVE growing healthy 8 week old baby in there!!!!!  It had been SUCH a traumatic month having to wonder each and every day if I had lost another baby, but we were SO blessed to find out we HAD NOT!!!!!!  We felt the Lord's protection like never before.  He had saved our child for us, we were SO thankful.

So as you can see, the name Ozmond fits our story well too.  God protected our little man, God protected me, God protected our family from what could have been another tragedy.  God protected us from death and destruction both in not loosing a second baby to miscarriage, and in having grace with my husband when he finally turned his heart totally towards him.

God's protection has been written on the walls of this new house.

Last name:


No surprises there I hope.....  I am almost positive Morrow means morning, or new day?

So there you have it folks:

Coming to a Hospital Near Us
Xavier Ozmond Morrow
Expected Release Date:  November 8, 2012

My favorite, most favorite part of the whole thing, is what we are going to call him:


Yes, yes we are serious.  Until he can tell us otherwise, we will (most of the time) be calling our son Ozzy.  

I am told that this is now where the whole world starts criticizing our name decision, but let me save you the energy folks: we are dead set.  Unless they are 'that's rad' comments, we don't want to hear it.  We named our first daughter Auryn 4 years ago, and are still IN LOVE with this name.  We have confidence we will love this name in 4 years too!

It honestly took my man a little getting used to the idea of naming our son this, he kept saying the name seemed too bold, to which I would reply: 'If Auryn is ok, anyone can be ok.'  We love unique names.  We know that they are different, but this is how the Lord has led our hearts.

Yes we know that there is a musician most call Ozzy, but no: we are not naming our son after him.  That Ozzy's name is actually: John Micheal Osborne.  He is called Ozzy, as a nickname from his last name, which is Osborne.  We are calling our son Ozzy, as a nickname from his middle name, which is Ozmond.  Totally different!  LOL!  Not really......  

We are in love, we hope you will be too, with the baby in my tummy, just growing more and more each day.  He's moving everywhere, showing off for his big sisters, dancing wildly for his daddy's voice, using my hip bones as drums, and my rib cage as a bass guitar.  I love my Xavier Ozmond Morrow.

I love my Ozzy.

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