Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taking a Sister Wife.

So, in all of my discussions with my man over parenthood, he frequently asks me the question: "Is there anything I can be doing on my end to make things easier or more enjoyable for you to stay at home with the girls?"  I've never had an answer before, so always replied "Nope.", but I think I may have now found a solution.

Just the other day my man asked the question again, but this time I replied "Hmmmm, I'll think about it."  A few days later the answer finally dawned on me: A SISTER WIFE!!!!  I followed up with my hubby to tell him I had thought long and hard about his question, and had finally come up with an answer.  Our conversation went a little like this:

"Babe, I have an answer for what you could do to help me enjoy my job as a SAHM more."

"Oh ya, what's that?"

"You could take a second wife.  You could get me a sister wife."

His eyes lit up as he got that 'I love my crazy wife!' look in his eyes, and he replied:
"Honey, I can't handle the one wife I already have, I could never handle two."

My reply:
"Ya, I don't really want to share you anyways."

I knew of course he'd shoot my idea down.  But I really do think it would be a great idea, except for the whole having to share a husband part.

My friend from college came with her two little boys the other weekend to stay for a few nights.  It was wonderful.  It was really fun to catch up with her, have great heart talks, and watch our kiddos play together.  But, I also LOVED having an extra set of eyes and hands around.  It was very fun and life giving to me to be able to live life like that with a dear friend of mine for a few days.  Even though we of course each had our own kids, it felt like a team effort on 'raising' them for a few days.  We made meals together, did dishes together, watched eachothers kiddos for eachother, both shared in the picking up of toys, worked together to make sure the kids were all playing nicely; it really lightened the load for a few days.

It was a few days after she left that I had my revelation.  I need a sister wife.  Now, I don't really want to share my man with anyone, but I would love to share my job as a SAHM with another woman.  I'd love to have someone here to help pick up the house everyday, to take turns watching the kiddos, to do laundry together, dishes and cooking, to talk with when I wanted to, but to also have the freedom to just zone out and live separate for a time too.  I'd love to have another women here that feels just as much as the family as the rest of us.  I'd love to be able to divide an conquer household and childcare tasks.  I'd love the fellowship that would provide, and I'd love the freedom that would provide.

Now, since we are not fundamentalist mormons, my dreams will never come to fruition.  But its nice to daydream a bit.  For us, polygamy isn't right, but I've got to admit: those women sure do have a few things figured out.

[Yes, I have been watching Sister Wives.  Can you tell?]


  1. Move to the Philippines or Indonesia or... and get a house helper. It's expected of everyone to have a helper, and I've heard it's relatively cheap. :) *sigh, Can you imagine how nice that would be???? We can dream, right?

  2. Um this was the joke when I lived with Kory and Sara . We almost had Sister Wives except for the sharing of the guy. It was awesome! Loved living your dream with my dearest friends. Get to know one of the Interns and maybe y'all can "adopt" her!

  3. Ya, Ginger, I frequently think that I must live in the wrong culture. Apparently I do!!!! That would be amazing!
